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Deviltown Nineth-Graders Graduate Upper School Virtually lines

Tips Logo Leserartikel Jasson clarke, 02.07.2020 19:11

LEVITTOWN, NY — Eighth graders from Jonas E. Salk Middle School and Wisdom Lane middle school in Levittown recently marked the end of their middle school careers with virtual ceremonies and safe, in-person celebrations in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Each school hosted a virtual moving up ceremony on the Levittown Public Schools' website, and building administrators and staff found special ways to celebrate the graduates in person while practicing social distancing.Graduates of Jonas E. Salk Middle School, along with their families, watched the school's prerecorded ceremony from their homes. Orchestra, band and choir members performed, staff members presented award winners and eighth grade class president Grace Huggard addressed her peers with an uplifting video message. Assistant Principal Amy O'Grady, board of education members, central administrators and Principal John Zampaglione also gave congratulatory remarks in the ceremony.
“Never has a graduating class been called to step into the future with more purpose, vision, passion, energy and hope,“ Zampaglione said. „During these trying times it forces us to pause and reflect on what matters to us the most and what we aspire to be and to accomplish in our future. I see that hope, strength, determination and resilience in each and every one of you and know that your future will be bright no matter what the landscape looks like ahead.“
Following the ceremony, each eighth grade graduate received a visit at their home from Salk staff members who held congratulatory signs and delivered diplomas, yearbooks and middle school memorabilia to commemorate the special occasion.
Wisdom Lane Middle School's virtual moving up ceremony featured a slideshow of middle school memories and special video messages from class representatives, staff members, central administrators, board of education members and Division Avenue High School Principal John Coscia.

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LEVITTOWN, NY — Eighth graders from Jonas E. Salk Middle School and Wisdom Lane middle school in Levittown recently marked the end of their middle school careers with virtual ceremonies and safe, in-person celebrations in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Each school hosted a virtual moving up ceremony on the Levittown Public Schools' website, and building administrators and staff found special ways to celebrate the graduates in person while practicing social distancing.Graduates of Jonas E. Salk Middle School, along with their families, watched the school's prerecorded ceremony from their homes. Orchestra, band and choir members performed, staff members presented award winners and eighth grade class president Grace Huggard addressed her peers with an uplifting video message. Assistant Principal Amy O'Grady, board of education members, central administrators and Principal John Zampaglione also gave congratulatory remarks in the ceremony.

„Never has a graduating class been called to step into the future with more purpose, vision, passion, energy and hope,“ Zampaglione said. „During these trying times it forces us to pause and reflect on what matters to us the most and what we aspire to be and to accomplish in our future. I see that hope, strength, determination and resilience in each and every one of you and know that your future will be bright no matter what the landscape looks like ahead.“

Following the ceremony, each eighth grade graduate received a visit at their home from Salk staff members who held congratulatory signs and delivered diplomas, yearbooks and middle school memorabilia to commemorate the special occasion.

Wisdom Lane Middle School's virtual moving up ceremony featured a slideshow of middle school memories and special video messages from class representatives, staff members, central administrators, board of education members and Division Avenue High School Principal John Coscia.

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